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Rhythm Divine




Many young players aspire to be like the drummer from their favourite band, and in this quest become a bit close minded when it comes to their playing style. There is nothing wrong with loving the style of another drummer, but the greatest players will listen to everything and anything.  

Lets look at a favourite drummer of mine, Neil Peart from Rush. The quintessential Progressive Rock drummer is mostly known for this one genre, but in 1994 he produced an album called 'Burning for Buddy' in tribute to the famous Big Band leader and drummer Buddy RIch which he performed on, along with many other world famous drummers.


Although you may think a lot of drummers you love and aspire to emulate only play the one genre, they will love and embrace many different styles as Mr. Peart obviously has.


Here he is with the Buddy Rich Big Band.




There could be a few offers coming your way, so keep an eye out for a treat ticket in the near future. 

More details to follow


Also a few online tutorials on drum heads and how the differ, just a few tips and pointers that I have picked up over the years. 

Today's album recommendation:

Richard Hawley - Standing at the Sky's Edge

Only came across this guy recently, seems to be a genuine Sheffield lad.  Cool groove in this one, pretty psychedelic (theres one word for a spelling test):

Leave Your Body Behind You

Drummer is Dean Beresford (supposedly) 





Welcome one and all to the new site, now featuring more Rhythm Divine.


Other new features on the site include, the colour red and this blog section. Unfortunately you still have to look at a picture of my face on the home page, so i'm sorry for that.


The main idea of this area is to provide some information on all things drums.... and beyond. One day I might work out how to add a comments section, but making this site has stretched my computer skills to the max, so you'll have to ponder on in silence, or​ email with your irate musings. 

Todays album recommedation:

Jeff Beck - Live at Ronnie Scotts

Vinnie Colaiuta on drums. As a member of Spinal Tap might say 'Great drummer, great drummer'.

Ripping bass solo by Tal Wilkenfeld who looks like she should still be doing her GCSEs.





Got the drummers itch? You need to satisfy it. Check out my treat to you at It is only running for today, so be quick. Maybe one day you'll be able to play like that chap on the right..... his name is Brian Blade btw.

In other news I have joined the millions of other people on the thing they called twitter. Another place to talk about drums, or what you had for dinner. Why not follow me to find out what I'm going to eat tonight.





When I was a teenager my friends (yeah I had them) would take the mick out of me because I would often spend all my money on drum equipment. This meant that I would refuse invitations to do 'teenage' things on a regular basis, like having fun (I've never heard of it either). But in the grand scheme of things I spent a very small amount of money on equipment compared to others. I always wondered how people could afford ridiculously expensive cymbals. Their parents must have loved them a lot or they were working their socks off before and after school as a quantity surveyor or car salesman.

My proudest purchase around this time was a 14" China cymbal made by Stagg. I think it cost around £14, so it was a bargain at £1 per inch. It only cracked last year after many faithful outings live and in the studio, it owed me nothing (well maybe a farewell kiss would have been nice). As a result of this purchase I realised it doesn't matter if you have the latest Sabian AAX cymbals or some cymbal you found in a bin, its what sounds good that matters, and what you do with it.


So don't be afraid to use cheap equipment if you think it sounds good. A lot of guys hide behind their equipment (guitarists mostly, *cough The Edge from U2 cough *).

Check out this guy, Benny Greb

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